The Lover
That is my window. A moment ago
I woke up so softly.
I thought I would float.
To where does my life extend,
and where does the night begin?
I could think that everything
were still me all around;
translucent as a crystal's
depths, darkened, dumb.
were still me all around;
translucent as a crystal's
depths, darkened, dumb.
inside me still; so large
does my heart appear to me; so gladly
it released him away again
perhaps began to hold.
Strange, as something never-described
my fate looks at me.
fragrant as a meadow,
moved here and there,
that someone will hear the call,
and determined to find my downfall
in another.
R. M. Rilke, Der neuen Gedichte anderer Teil [1908]
translation by L. Steve Schmersal, May 2003
Die Liebende
bin ich so sanft erwacht.
Ich dachte, ich würde schweben.
Bis wohin reicht mein Leben,
und wo beginnt die Nacht?
ware noch Ich ringsum;
durchsichtig wie eines Kristalles
Tiefe, verdunkelt, stumm.
fassen in mir; so groβ
scheint mir mein Herz; so gerne
lieβ es ihn wieder los
vielleicht zu halten begann.
Fremd, wie nieberschrieben
Was bin ich unter diese
Unendlichkeit gelegt,
duftend wie eine Wiese,
hin und her bewegt,
Unendlichkeit gelegt,
duftend wie eine Wiese,
hin und her bewegt,
daβ einer den Ruf vernimmt,
und zum Untergange
in einem Andern bestimmt.
R. M. Rilke, Der neuen Gedichte anderer Teil [1908]
I had an inkling it was Rilke after the first stanza. He's so reliably and amazingly good. Thanks for that. :)
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